Reverse Engineering

Rune? What’s that? Rune? Like the ancient alphabet?

We are provided with a main.go file and an encrypted the file

package main

import (

var flag = "irisctf{this_is_not_the_real_flag}"

func init() {
	runed := []string{}
	z := rune(0)

	for _, v := range flag {
		runed = append(runed, string(v+z))
		z = v

	flag = strings.Join(runed, "")

func main() {
	file, err := os.OpenFile("the", os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE, 0644)
	if err != nil {

	defer file.Close()
	if _, err := file.Write([]byte(flag)); err != nil {

Let’s break down the code. In Go, the init() is called automatically before the main() when a program starts.

runed := []string{}
z := rune(0)

This line creates an empty dynamic list of strings called runed. A variable z with the value 0 as a Unicode code point.

for _, v := range flag {
	runed = append(runed, string(v+z))
	z = v
flag = strings.Join(runed, "")
  • This line starts a loop that iterates over each character v in the flag string.
  • In each iteration, it takes the current character v from the flag, adds the value of z to it, converts the result to a string, and appends it to the runed slice.
  • After appending the modified character, the current character v becomes the new value of z for the next iteration.
  • After the loop, it joins all the modified characters in the runed slice into a single string, and assigns it back to the flag variable.

The othe part is not much important it’s also self explanatory. Now let’s reverse the process to decrypt the file.

package main

import (

func decryptFlag(encrypted string) string {
	runed := []string{}
	z := rune(0)

	for _, v := range encrypted {
		runed = append(runed, string(v-z))
		z = rune(v - z)

	return strings.Join(runed, "")

func main() {
	fileContent, err := ioutil.ReadFile("new")
	if err != nil {

	decryptedFlag := decryptFlag(string(fileContent))
	fmt.Println("Decrypted Flag:", decryptedFlag)
  • The decryptFlag() initializes runed as an empty dynamic list
  • variable z initialized to rune(0) which is just 0.
  • Iterates over each character v of the encrypted string, subtracts the current value of z from the Unicode code point of the character v, converts the result to a string, and appends it to the runed slice.
  • Updates the value of z to the Unicode code point of the current charactervfor the next iteration.
  • Joins the strings in the runed slice to form the decrypted string and returns it.

Let’s Gopher the code and get the flag

~/Documents/irisctf/whats-a-rune$ go run decrypt.go
Decrypted Flag: irisctf{i_r3411y_1ik3_num63r5}Nw[rV

Why did Goku switch to Golang ?
