

Vulnerable service

What service was vulnerable to the main server?

Author: 0xt4req

The attacker did alot of crazy directory bruteforcing.I ignored all the packets and went direct to where he first got the initial foothold. From bash history we can see the attacker performed an internal nmap scan and found a vulnerable ftp vsftpd-2.3.4 in the main server



What’s the CVE id for the vulnerable service?

Author: 0xt4req

A simple google search displayed The CVE ID from exploit database CVE-2011-2523 CVE-2011-2523


What was the port number of the reverse shell of the server?

Author: 0xt4req

i just checked the code from CVE-2011-2523 and i found that the exploit is leveraged on port 6200

tn2=Telnet(host, 6200)
print('Success, shell opened')
print('Send `exit` to quit shell')

We can also see from wireshark we have the destination port 6200 from the packets where the attacker got the initial foothold


Famous tool

The attacker used a popular tool to gain access of the server. Can you name it? Author: 0xt4req

Since the exploit was a public CVE metasploit is the tool that the attacker used

DISCLAIMER. The challenges were arranged in a specific order and the next challenge was only unlocked after you solved the current one. I got stuck at the hidden file challenge. After the ctf all challenges were unlocked. I realised i had some other flags for the other challenges which i could not reach. Enough talk let’s continue with the other unreachable challenges which i solved but could’nt submit the flags since they were locked by the dragons


There’s something confidential. Can you find it?

Author: pmsiam0

There was a file Extracting the file we notice it was a .docx file. Since i don’t trust docx files i decided to extract the file and open document.xml to see the contents manually. An easier way was to use google docs and let google deal with the virus incase their was one.

<w:r w:rsidRPr="0090220E">
            <w:color w:val="FFFFFF" w:themeColor="background1"/>
    <w:t xml:space="preserve">KCTF{Y0U_Ar3_N3tW0rk_M1n3r} </w:t>
<w:sectPr w:rsidR="00DC62B3" w:rsidRPr="0090220E">


What is the backdoor file name?

Author: 0xt4req

The file name in cleartext since the connection is not encrypted


Admin Flag

Can you find the Admin Flag of the web server.?

Author: 0xt4req

Their was a file named after extracting it we find dashboard.php with this code

    if (isset($_COOKIE['role'])) {
        if ($_COOKIE['role'] == 'root') {
          echo '<span id="msg">91)ZJH[.;F?Ulel?Z\hM?U83sBl79ICc#dQ</span>';

We decode the msg with cyberchef and get the flag


DB Details

What is the database username & databasename?

Author: 0xt4req

From the we have a db.php with this code

$server_name = "localhost";
$user_name = "root";
$password = "";
$db_name = "kctf2024";


What’s the API Key?

Author: 0xt4req

db.php has the api key

$_A_p_1_k_3_Y_ = "6eea9135-2801-4560-b44c-f297b5f46f2f";
